OK, so one of the first items things I looked at was the unit testing framework, SUnit. It comes bundled in the standard library in the scala.testing.SUnit package and is dead simple. I hope the following snippet is self-explanatory enough:
object StackTest {It really is pretty simple; the whole testing framework sits on a single 200-line file. But is also is a bit verbose, isn't it? All those inner classes, cluttering the code... I tried to simplify things a bit. Here is what I came up with:
import scala.testing.SUnit._
def main(args:Array[String]): Unit = {
val tr = new TestResult
new TestSuite(
new Test01,
new Test02,
for(val f <- tr.failures())
Console println f
class Test01 extends TestCase("pushing an element onto an empty stack") {
override def runTest() = {
val stack = new Stack()
val element = "asdf"
stack push element
assertEquals(stack.peek(), element)
class Test02 extends TestCase("popping an element from a stack") {
override def runTest() = {
val stack = new Stack()
val element = "asdf"
stack push element
assertEquals(stack.isEmpty, true)
import sorg.testing._;I think it looks better. Sort of like those DSLs that are so fashionable these days... But the really cool thing is that it only took a couple dozen lines of code and a couple of hours to extend SUnit. Mind you that someone really proficient in Scala could probably do it much more quickly. See the whole unit testing domain specific language: (the name is almost larger than the code itself :)
object StackTests extends Tests with ConsoleDriver {
test ("pushing an element onto an empty stack") {
val stack = new Stack()
val element = "asdf"
stack push element
assertEquals(stack.peek(), element)
test ("popping an element from a stack") {
val stack = new Stack()
val element = "asdf"
stack push element
assertEquals(stack.isEmpty, true)
package sorg.testing;
import scala.testing.SUnit._;
abstract class Tests extends Test with Assert {
type TestExp = () => Unit;
var tests = List[Pair[String,TestExp]]();
def test(desc: String)(t: => Unit) : Unit = {tests = Pair(desc,()=>t) :: tests};
override def run(tr: TestResult) = {
for (val Pair(desc, expression) <- tests) new TestCase(desc) {
override def runTest() = {Console println "running (" + desc + ")"; expression()}
trait ConsoleDriver extends Test {
def main(args:Array[String]): Unit = {
val results = new TestResult
Console println "running tests..."
this.run( results )
if (!results.failures.hasNext)
Console println "Success!";
else {
Console println "The following tests failed:";
for(val each:TestFailure <- results.failures)
Console println (each.toString + ":\n" + each.trace);
Expressiveness and power, what more can one ask of a programming language?